Camporeale (Zip Code 90043) is far 283 km. from Catania, 45 km. from Palermo, which province it belongs to, 75 km. from Trapani.
The municipality has 4.195 inhabitants and its area is 3.861 hectares for a density of population of 109 inhabitants per square kilometre. It rises on an internal hilly area and is placed 450 metres above sea-level.
Among its agricultural products counts corn, grapes and cereals. Sheep breeding is also present in this place. As regards handicraft it is industrious wood and iron works.
Camporeale is a rural town in the Belice Valley. The Mother church features a crucifix ascribable to Fra’ Umile from Petralia and a Madonna by Bagnasco. The country mansions and the XVII century buildings, which constitute the ancient Camporeale, are not distant from it; don’t miss the Palace of the Princes of Camporeale, which has been recently restored and which is now the seat of the Municipality. The Madonna dei Peccati Sanctuary, lying on a hill, slightly above the built-up area, is also worth a visit.
The name of the small town derives from Latin Campus regalis that means:the worthy field for a king.
Until 1954 the commune was dependent by Trapani and only later it turned to Palermo. It has recent origins; in fact it was founded in 1779 by the noble Giuseppe Beccadelli who became the first prince.
A famous character bound to this small town is Antonio Beccadelli, belonging to the same founder’s family. He was a great humanist and in 1400 founded the first Academy of Italian Literature in Naples.