It is the highest municipality in the province of Palermo (1147m asl in the Madonie), situated in an amazing position on a rock spur, culminating with the church of Santa Maria di Loreto
Noble in history and traditions, the town boasts one of the most incredible urban, monumental and artistic heritages of the Madonie Park. Two churches stand out among all other attractions: the Mother church and Santa Maria di Loreto. The former, set up in ancient times and rebuilt in the XVI century, has an elegant portico and two bell towers, and houses many an artwork; the church of the Loreto, instead, features an elegant convex façade and two bell towers overlooking the square bearing its same name. It is also worth visiting the Roman aqueduct remains and Villa Sgadari, a baroque suburban residence, among the most interesting in the Madonie area. 
It is possible to organize excursions on the trails and among the woods of the Madonie Park
Major events include the Sfoglio (cake filled with tuma, a kind of hard, spicy cheese, minced fresh cheese, chocolate and cinnamon) Festival, the Walnut Festival and the San Gandolfo Fair